Invest In Student Success

Our community’s future depends on great schools, and great schools flourish with your support!

Knox Education Foundation identifies and supports meaningful ways to promote quality education within Knox County Schools. We welcome financial gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations who value strong public schools and want to improve school excellence.

Investment in Knox Education Foundation is an investment in innovative strategies, partnerships, and programs aimed at improving academic outcomes for all students. We utilize researched-backed solutions that knock down barriers, address disparities, and make a true impact in education.

If you are seeking an impactful way to support Knox County Schools, Knox Education Foundation should be your first choice.

Illustration of hand placing donation into give box.

Did You Know?

  • Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
  • KEF is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
  • Donations may qualify for a matching gift from some employers. Check with your company’s benefits or human resources team to find out.
  • Donations may be made by check or credit card.
    • 505 Summer Place
      UTT Suite 385
      Knoxville, TN 37902

  • We also accept stocks, bonds, or mutual funds; retirement plan contributions including 401(k), IRA, or profit-sharing plan; life insurance; charitable trusts and gift annuities; real estate; and bequests by will or trusts.
  • You can make a gift to one of our annual fundraising campaigns or to a specific initiative, project, or school.

Invest In Student Success

Our community’s future depends on great schools, and great schools flourish with your support!

Knox Education Foundation identifies and supports meaningful ways to promote quality education within Knox County Schools. We welcome financial gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations who value strong public schools and want to improve school excellence.

Investment in Knox Education Foundation is an investment in innovative strategies, partnerships, and programs aimed at improving academic outcomes for all students. We utilize researched-backed solutions that knock down barriers, address disparities, and make a true impact in education.

If you are seeking an impactful way to support Knox County Schools, Knox Education Foundation should be your first choice.

ImageA young girl wearing a backpack, holding books in her hands.

Did You Know?

  • Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
  • KEF is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
  • Donations may qualify for a matching gift from some employers. Check with your company’s benefits or human resources team to find out.
  • Donations may be made by check or credit card.
  • We also accept stocks, bonds, or mutual funds; retirement plan contributions including 401(k), IRA, or profit-sharing plan; life insurance; charitable trusts and gift annuities; real estate; and bequests by will or trusts.
  • You can make a gift to one of our annual fundraising campaigns or to a specific initiative, project, or school.

Invest In Student Success

Our community’s future depends on great schools, and great schools flourish with your support!

Knox Education Foundation identifies and supports meaningful ways to promote quality education within Knox County Schools. We welcome financial gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations who value strong public schools and want to improve school excellence.

Investment in Knox Education Foundation is an investment in innovative strategies, partnerships, and programs aimed at improving academic outcomes for all students. We utilize researched-backed solutions that knock down barriers, address disparities, and make a true impact in education.

If you are seeking an impactful way to support Knox County Schools, Knox Education Foundation should be your first choice.

ImageA young girl wearing a backpack, holding books in her hands.

Did You Know?

  • Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
  • KEF is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
  • Donations may qualify for a matching gift from some employers. Check with your company’s benefits or human resources team to find out.
  • Donations may be made by check or credit card.
  • We also accept stocks, bonds, or mutual funds; retirement plan contributions including 401(k), IRA, or profit-sharing plan; life insurance; charitable trusts and gift annuities; real estate; and bequests by will or trusts.
  • You can make a gift to one of our annual fundraising campaigns or to a specific initiative, project, or school.
A young girl wearing a backpack, holding books in her hands.


City of Knoxville Logo
Clayton Homes Foundation Logo
Covenant Health Logo
First Horizon Logo
Haslam III Foundation Logo
Home Federal Logo
Knox County Government Logo
Knox County Schools Logo
Lowery Family Fund Logo
PIlot Company Logo
Southeast Bank Logo
The Boyd Foundation Logo
Featured image for “Axle Logistics”
Featured image for “Bill and Crissy Haslam Foundation”
Featured image for “City of Knoxville”
Featured image for “Clayton Homes Foundation”
Featured image for “Covenant Health”
Featured image for “First Horizon”
Featured image for “Haslam III Foundation”
Featured image for “Home Federal ”
Featured image for “Knox County Government”
Featured image for “Knox County Schools”
Featured image for “Lowery Family Fund”
Featured image for “Pilot”
Featured image for “Southeast Bank”
Featured image for “The Boyd Foundation”
Featured image for “United Way”